My friend PrairieRose had a give away and I won!!!
I received so much I'll have to make another post to cover it all!!
One of the things she sent I'll always teasure. See the note she sent me? I know she was thinking of me when she wrapped the gifts and books.This means a lot to me Jenny.
A long with the note, I am the proud owner of a new "cookbook"(I will share :). It has lots of new (to me) recipes I can't wait to try.
I also have 2 (count them) 2 new aprons to wear....You can ohh and aweee now. One of the aprons is to look at only!!! Its sheer and a lovely sea-green. The other one is a very pretty cotton and will be appreciated at Christmas. It's a very pretty mix of flowers on the pocket and ties /with a blue back-ground and holly and flowers. You can see it in the pictures.Thanks Jen!!!.
I also received a lot of hand made doilies, anyone who's ever done this, knows how tiny the stitches are. Some of the designs are amazing. Can you see the one with the southern-belle on it? Can you imagine counting all those stitches? Our Mama used to crochet, with what I called twine.(That's what it looked like to me). She made doilies too. Jen this brought back a lot of good memories, Thank you.
I have spent the last 2 nights reading the 2 journals that were tucked in here. I loved looking at the old pictures, and reading the stories. Take a look at the dates on these. They are in amazing shape for their age,( like us). LOL. I can't wait to try some of the recipes in here too.
* BUT!!! The best thing of all in this package is the collage, That Jenny made with her vivid imagination and her own 2 hands!!!! Isn't it beautiful?!!!!! I can't thank you enough Jenny!!!
Do you think we can catch that rooster for Sunday dinner? I bet we could together!!!
Look at the family picture on it. This is Jenny's great grandparents and gg-grandparents!!!
This is family history at it's finest!! I am so happy you took the time to make me a collage out of something so dear to you, Thank so very much my friend.
I'll try to post more of the pictures tomorrow, This old girl is tired.
Take care all, and God Bless.
P.S.. double click pictures to enlarge;)
Jen tagged me too, and I'm too TARD to do it tonight, so I'll do mine tomorrow when I do my Sunday Dinner post.
Boy, you got a treasure box, didn't you? I'm especially curious about that cookbook. I'll bet it's got some good stuff in it.
I talked to Granny Ann this evening for a while. She seems to be doing much better and is getting settled into her new place.
Maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow, Sis.
Love y'all,
What a lovely surprise! The gifts are really special. I can just se you scooting around your kitchen at Christmas time wearing your pretty new apron!
The old magazines will be lots of fun too. I have a few old ones and really get a kick out if them. Things certainly have done a lot of changing since I was born in 39.
Have fun with your nice gifts, and
God bless you and yours.
Glad ya likes! :) :) xxxooo love you my friend, jen
That is so nice! How sweet of her!
Lucky Ducky ! so nice !
but so are you LOL
Take are
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