I realize that this picture might seem like it has nothing to do with canning ,but it does.Because you see,canning generates a lot of scrapes and trash. Hubby is helping Jon carry out
a heavy garbage bag ;)

This is one of our trading friends. We feed him, and he lets us watch him and take his picture.

This is a sparrow who is trying to steal the food.

This is a bolt of material bought at a yard sale for $2.00Below is another one.

This is a roll of lace,below is 2 more.Price .25 cents.

Tomatoes, I think I'll try to make spaghetti sause.

Homemade pickles.I just took them from the refridgerator.Can you tell? LOL

Jelly I had left over.

A afghan I made a couple years ago for Jon.

Another afghan I made about 3 years ago, fits a queen-sized bed.

More little pests.

This is who we want to feed.

Now this was a lot of work. 21 pints of red plum jelly.Whew I think thats enough.

I'm going this afternoon to pick up a 5 gallon bucket of cucumbers. I'm giving some to our neighbors. There's no way I need that many. Plus I still have pears to do. Not many, thank heavens. I'm ready for a day off, just to sit and read. Time to go,have to get busy.
Take care everyone, and God bless. Donna
That lily in your new header picture is gorgeous!
It's been years since I made plum jelly - about 10 years, to be exact, and it was tame plums, not wild ones. I like the jelly from wild ones better, but the tame plums came close to being as good as the wild plum jelly.
I think the wild plums are gone already, so I'm guessing somebody gave you some tame plums?
Good buy on the fabric and lace. Walmart has done away with all their fabric and yarn, I guess you know. Hancock's is the only place in Jonesboro where you can buy yarn, I think, and probably fabric too, besides Hobby Lobby that is.
I guess you can work on the fabric and lace this Fall and Winter after all the canning and freezing are done.
If you want to come dig them out of my outside utility room I'll give you some canning jars. I have some in the house too. Just let me know.
Love y'all, Sister
Okay, now I am tired!
I love hearing all your garden and canning stuff...we have another month until I will be doing what you are doing. I am only harvesting lettuce and herbs and green onions at this point..late start with our cold late starting spring!! (we call it the Long long longggg winter around here!) so August will really be busy. It is always the biggest canning month for me..but this year not much will be ready early. I am watching my plums...it will still be awhile for them too. They are small but yummy.
I am seeing little peppers all over my hot pepper plants now..so maybe some pepper jelly soon.
The kids and I mostly weeded today and I picked a basketful of mixed lettuce for salads. Can you believe tomorrow is Friday already?This week just flew on by!
Wow! ,you never stop !!! It sure is alot of work and the cleanup , I know from experience ughhhh!!!
I guess you know about sterilizing bottles , easiest way ,in the oven ??I am sure you know that being as practiced you are already.
I know the prep and clean up is a hound!!!!but worth it .
Love the pics . must tell you one gave me a little chuckle ,your blog came up a little below your header and the pic title for second pic was read for the first HAHAHAHAHAHA feed him & keep him around to take his pic HAHAHA.I figured it out , but twas cute !
Hope you have a great weekend
take er easy will ya , your showin us all up !LOL
You make me tired just reading all that you do! I don't can anymore, but I do freeze certain fruits for winter.
I haven't checked my email yet for the recipe. I'm sure it's there, though. Thank you!!! I work from home so am on the business email all day and by the time night comes, I'm too tired to even switch over to my own email. I'll get caught up, hopefully, over the weekend.
Loved all your pics and captions! I, too, love the doves.
You sure got some bargains on the bolts of fabric and lace!!! I used to sew everything but nothing anymore...just shorten my own slacks is all. Would love to have the time to sew again. One time I counted the slacks I had made in my closet....I had 63 pairs!!! Had cardigans to match them all, too! That was when I was young and clothes crazy!!! Now I live in my PJ's every day!!! LOL
Your new floral header is gorgeous!!! I noticed that right off!!! You girls are so smart to do those stretch headers like that!
Have a good weekend, Donna!
Whew! You have been one busy lady!
Our garden is pitiful this year because James hurt his foot in early April and couldn't put it in the way he likes to, so no canned tomatoes so far :-(. Other than tomatoes and a few peppers and pickled okra, I don't can much these days.
Wonderful bargains on the fabric and lace, but Diane is right - they can wait till after the canning is over! I can't believe how much you manage to get done in a week!
Our vegetables and fruit are way behind yours still, and with constant rain all week, they will take even longer. I may hobble out to inspect them if the rain stops a little while!
Have a wonderful weekend, and remember to take time to rest too!
Once again you make me tired.. but at least you definatly have somethings to show for your hard work, bet that jelly is wonderful!
Hope you get a day of rest soon!
Have a good weekend.. Love you!
Thanks for your support darling and I will pass the message on to my Marine. My late MaMa always said there was a silver lining to every cloud,mine is he came home alive.
A true blessing for me.
I'm tard just reading all you have been doing! Cute pics. My back is spasming tonight. YIKES it hurts like h#ll! I cleaned the fridge out today. GROSS stuff in there. New life forms discovered. :O Folded a ton of laundry. The heat is horrible. 100+ all next week. You enjoy the rest up girl...you deserve a day or two or several off! BTW had a great visit with DD. She's so happy, so I am too! :) Take care, Loveya, Jen
All the stuff I love to do, just don't have allot of time to do it!!
I am doing some sewing projects and crocheting for christmas this year. All my people love some homemade stuff.
Blessings today!
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